Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez at bottom of stairs leading to one of the discovered chambers. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, in one of the discovered chambers. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, who is searching for Cleopatra's Lost Tomb. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, who is searching for Cleopatra's Lost Tomb. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, who is searching for Cleopatra's Lost Tomb. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
North gate entrance to Taposiris Magna. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Part of Tomb, Necropolis discovery by Kathleen Martinez. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, at Taposiris Magna temple ruins. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, at the City of the Dead. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, at Taposiris Magna temple ruins. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Close up of mummies & skeletons discovered at the tomb in the necropolis. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Kathleen Martinez, with the discovered Stela Magnaand its Goddess Isis link. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Wide aerial shot of Taposiris Magna temple ruins. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, at the City of the Dead. Photographer Paul Olding

Secrets of the Dead: Cleopatra's Lost Tomb
Main contributor Kathleen Martinez, who is searching for Cleopatra's Lost Tomb.Photographer Paul Olding