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Competing Theories for Nail Found in Heel Bone


Osteoarchaeologist Corinne Duhig is an expert an unraveling mysteries by studying bones. She wonders whether a nail found through the heelbone of Skeleton 4926 could be an ancient culture’s way of preventing a deceased spirit from wandering, or an accidental blow while constructing a coffin around a body. Ultimately, crucifixion is the only explanation that makes sense.


Corinne searches for another explanation for the nail through the heel bone.

There is evidence that some cultures nailed down the deceased to prevent their spirit from wandering.

-But when we examine the literature from the Roman period, we never find this kind of example of a foot bone actually being pierced in order to stop that spirit from moving about.

-She also wonders if the nail could have been accidentally hammered into the bone, while a coffin was being built around the corpse.

-It's a bit unlikely, isn't it?

Because you would think if you put nails through it, you would surely stop if you met the bone.

-But only one explanation makes sense.

-I'm beginning to get the awful thought that it could well be a real crucifixion.


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