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S10 Ep2
Deadliest Battle
The Battle of Stalingrad is known as one of the most pivotal actions of World War II. For decades after the war, the battle was seen as a victory for Stalin, whose carefully executed withdrawal baited Hitler's army into a battle that slowly decimated the German forces. But now, newly-released archives are revealing a very different picture of the battle that changed the course of history.
Premiered: 5/19/2010
S9 Ep3
Mumbai Massacre
Timed for broadcast on the first anniversary of the attacks, this episode brings viewers first-hand survivor accounts, closed-circuit footage of the chaos from within the hotels and actual words spoken by both victims and terrorists.
Premiered: 11/25/2009
S9 Ep2
The Airmen and the Headhunters
In 1944, a U.S. bomber was hit by Japanese anti-aircraft fire, and the crew ejected and parachuted into the wilderness. They were taken in and protected by members of the Dayak tribe - the "wild men of Borneo," who were infamous for their custom of hunting and smoking enemy heads. Months later, the airmen were found by an eccentric British Major who devised an ingenious plan to rescue the men.
Premiered: 11/11/2009
S9 Ep1
Michelangelo Revealed
More than 500 ago, Michelangelo Buonarroti was the darling of the Catholic Church, commissioned to create many of its most important pieces. Historians have long wondered about the mysterious circumstances of his death — and now, art historian Antonio Forcellino believes he has pieced together evidence of a deep rift between the Church and the esteemed artist.
Premiered: 5/13/2009
S8 Ep4
Blackbeard's Lost Ship
Edward Teach, alias Blackbeard, was the most notorious pirate of his day. Now, 300 years later, a marine archaeology team believe they have found his sunken flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge, off the North Carolina coast. Did Blackbeard accidentally run his ship aground, or was it a deliberate plot to betray his crew and cheat them out of their share of the plunder?
Premiered: 4/22/2009
S8 Ep1
Doping for Gold
In Cold War-era East Germany, young female athletes were injected with male hormones and anabolic steroids — all in the name of “international prestige through success in sports.” Twenty years later, many still suffer from the aftereffects: severe physical illness and disabilities. Discover the price these women paid to bring Olympic pride to their country.
Premiered: 5/7/2008
S7 Ep2
Escape from Auschwitz
Nazi records show that tens of thousands of Jews from German-occupied territories were sent to Auschwitz to be executed each month. But two Auschwitz prisoners, Rudolph Vrba and Alfred Wetzler, were determined to expose the horrors of the Nazi genocide and stop the killing factories forever. To do that, they had to become the first to escape from the heavily-guarded camp.
Premiered: 4/30/2008
S7 Ep1
Aztec Massacre
Archaeologists make a grisly find: 400 skeletons buried in a mass grave, undisturbed for 500 years, since the time of the Spanish conquest. But this is no ordinary gravesite. The remains suggest these people met a gruesome end at the hands of the Aztecs, who ruled Mesoamerica in the 14th through 16th centuries. But who were the victims and why were they killed?
Premiered: 4/23/2008
S6 Ep5
Irish Escape
A plea is smuggled to a New York reporter from within Western Australia's Fremantle Prison. This letter launched an American whaler that stood its ground against an armed British steamer for freedom and independence. The whaler was the Catalpa, its captain was George Anthony and its human cargo consisted of six Irish political prisoners, who had suffered at the Fremantle prison for a decade.
Premiered: 5/16/2007
S6 Ep4
Headless Romans
In the back garden of a house in York, England, more than 45 decapitated, Roman-era skeletons are unearthed. Are these men savagely murdered pagan prisoners? Are they soldiers who were killed in battle or executed for crimes against Rome? Modern forensics, archeological sleuthing, and historical records point to a surprising answer.
Premiered: 5/9/2007


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