-Just beneath the topsoil, the area inside the circles begins to yield fragments of manmade artifacts... [ Indistinct conversations ] -What have you got?
-Ooh, ooh!
-They're modern, but -- -No, they're not.
No, they're not!
No, they're not!
-What's this, then?
No, they're not.
-What is that?
-They're not modern at all.
That's stoneware.
-Is it?
Oh, it's nice.
It's beautiful.
-17th century.
-Is it?!
-That's really nice.
-1680, 1720-ish.
-Is it really?
-Yeah, yeah.
That's the best of what we've had so far.
-Isn't that lovely?
-And it's literally just in the topsoil.
Isn't that lovely?
-So, actually now we are getting closer towards the beginning of the Spencers' time on the estate.
That's right.
-That's really a nice find.
-A few inches further down, signs of human settlement begin to emerge in the shape of tiny pieces of charcoal.
-There's more.
-Yeah, there's one there and there's a bigger one there.
-That one's really big isn't it?
That's really good.
Charcoal is always going to be evidence of human activity.
-Like, that was quite difficult for me to break.
-So, there are some really big lumps coming out.
-So hopefully that's showing some human occupation.
-Are you sure this definitely charcoal?
It's this one I'm not sure about.
-That's not charcoal.
-I just snapped that.
-You know, that might actually be pottery.
-Oh... [ Laughter ] -That's the other half.
[ Laughs ] Oh, dear!
-The inside of it looks very pottery-like to me.
And if it is, then this is something quite early.
It's possible it could be Iron Age.
♪♪ -I think what we're seeing is really that Althorp could well be a really very old landscape.