Browse images related to Secrets of the Dead: Japanese Supersub including photos of the original Japanese and United States naval crews, stills from animated renderings of the I-400 in action, and the final moment of surrender when the sub was captured.
I-400 on surface
One of two I-400s under sail.
Credit: National Archives and Records Administration
A tense surrender
Negotiations were tense aboard the super subs after surrender to the U.S. Navy.
Credit: NARA
The War Room
Historians in the film’s "War Room" explore the secrets of Japan's secret I-400 aircraft-carrying submarine. From left to right: Eric Grove, Carl Boyd, Osamu Tagaya.
Credit: Anna Saraceno
SuperSub Animation
Animated rendering of an I-400 launching an attack on New York City.
Credit: Fluid Pictures Limited
SuperSub underwater
Cutaway view of an I-400 submerged with three bombers in its water-tight hangar.
Credit: Fluid Pictures Limited
Supersub Launch Ramp
I-400 submarine’s long launch ramp.
Credit: NARA
The US Navy Inspects
U.S. Navy personnel inspect the I-400's huge watertight hangar.
Credit: NARA
SuperSub's Hangars
Animated rendering of an I-400 with planes in its hangers.
Credit: Fluid Pictures Limited
I-400 harbored
Captured I-400 submarine off the coast of Japan soon after the war's end.
Credit: NARA
US and Japanese crew together
U.S. Navy and Japanese officers and crew members had to learn to communicate to the operate the captured subs.
Credit: NARA
I-400 in drydock
Once they arrived at Pearl Harbor the captured supersubs were put in dry dock and carefully inspected.
Credit: NARA
I-400 conning tower
The captured I-400 with its new Anglicized lettering on the conning tower.