Scientists use augmented reality technology to see what the newly discovered voids inside the Great Pyramid of Giza might look like.
Scientists use augmented reality technology to see what the newly discovered voids inside the Great Pyramid of Giza might look like.
Before announcing these discoveries to the entire world, Mehdi Tayoubi and the team share them with Egyptologist Peter der Manuelian of Harvard University.
Manuelian is an Egyptologist passionate about new technology, just as Tayoubi''s high-tech team is passionate about ancient Egypt.
They choose to present their results in augmented reality.
We have a menu, yes.
I''m seeing a massive area, can you explain this one?
It's between 55 meters from the ground to 70 meters.
We need to refine those data.
We don't know if this cavity is horizontal or oblique, but what I can tell you is that this cavity is between 400 and 500 cubic meters.
Wow, so you''re talking Grand Gallery size.
This is a second cavity that is potentially as large as the Grand Gallery.
So now we need to know what the shape of this thing is and hopefully that would lead to what the purpose of it is.
Exactly, so, what we did with Pierre, what we did also with Benoit, is that we have simulated some architectural hypothesis.
At this point, there are several potential hypotheses: One room, or many rooms.
Horizontal, or sloping like a second Grand Gallery.
The second big discovery is this corridor, just here, behind the north face.
The ScanPyramids team has determined the corridor behind the rafters is located 55 to 75 feet above ground, and that it is either horizontal or, possibly, slopes upward.
Our dream would be that those two discoveries are connected to each other.
So now, it's a game of relationships: what's the relationship between these two discoveries.
Nice job!