See archival images, stills from reenactments, and images of individuals featured in Slave Ship Mutiny.

Mother & Child
Credit: Thomene Boshoff

Mother & children
Credit: Thomene Boshoff

Credit: Thomene Boshoff

Trapped Sailors
Credit: Thomene Boshoff

Ab wound
Credit: Mia Vorster

Credit: Mia Vorster

Credit: Mia Vorster

Auction of slave girl
Credit: Mia Vorster

Auction spectators
Credit: Mia Vorster

Below decks
Credit: Mia Vorster

Boat victory
Credit: Mia Vorster

In the crosshairs
Credit: Mia Vorster

Inspecting teeth
Credit: Mia Vorster

Credit: Mia Vorster

Le Sueur arriving
Credit: Mia Vorster

Le Sueur on patrol
Credit: Mia Vorster

Credit: Mia Vorster

Massavana finery
Credit: Mia Vorster

Muller’s Trial
Credit: Mia Vorster

Observing execution
Observing execution. Credit: Mia Vorster

En-route to meeting
Credit: Mia Vorster

Sawing the tree
Credit: Mia Vorster

Slave carries
Credit: Mia Vorster

Slave inspection
Credit: Mia Vorster