Mark Knight kneeling with his hands gesturing about a post in the ground.
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Must Farm overview
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Five archaeologists in shot all working on different parts of the site
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Mark Knight and Archaeologist both with their hands to their mouths looking out of frame.
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Sunset over stilt houses in lake
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Sunset over stilt houses in lake
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Filming fire expert Karl Harrison and Must farm house expert Mike Bamforth
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Early stages of house fire – lots of smoke. Firemen and Tom Pridham look on
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Karl Harrison and Mike Bamforth do some talking in front of the charred remains of the house. Sarah Jobling and Tom Pridham included
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Mark Belshaw and Robert Brooks doing battle with their bronze swords
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Filming fight 2 with Mark Belshaw and Robert Brooks
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Mark Belshaw and Robert Brooks battering shields
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Doing battle in low lighting - Lens flare
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Filming interview 1 with Robert Brooks
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Alice Roberts kneeling and talking to Karl Harrison in a trench (Lake Constance)
Credit: Paola Desiderio

Alice Roberts and Karl Harrison talking in the trench and being filmed. (Lake Constance)
Credit: Paola Desiderio