See archival images, stills from reenactments, and images of the men today who lived “The Airmen and the Headhunters”.

Judith Heimann
Judith Heimann, historian and author of The Airmen and the Headhunters: A True Story of Lost Soldiers, Heroic Tribesmen and the Unlikeliest Rescue of World War.

Kapung Balang
Kapung Balang, one of the young Dayak boys who saw the US bomber crash in the jungles of Borneo.

Ganang Laban
Ganang Laban, one of the young Dayak boys who saw the US bomber crash in the jungles of Borneo.

Malai Ruguk
Malai Ruguk, one of the Dayak tribesmen who helped rescued the downed American airmen during WWII.

Belapang Baru
Belapang Baru, one of the Dayak tribesmen who helped rescued the downed American airmen during WWII

Melayung Ulun
Melayung Ulun, one of the Dayak tribesmen and Major Tom Harrison’s assistant who helped rescued the downed American airmen during WWII.

Belaan Ayu
Belaan Ayu, one of the Dayak tribesmen who helped rescued the downed American airmen during WWII.

WWII veteran Sergeant Jack Tredrea
WWII veteran Sergeant Jack Tredrea, one of the Australian Commandoes of Semut 1, Z Special Unit led by Major Tom Harrison to rescue downed airmen in Borneo. Tredrea lead and trained guerilla forces to fight against the Japanese.

WWII veteran Bob Long
WWII veteran Bob Long, one of the Australian Commandoes of Semut1, Z Special Unit lead by Major Tom Harrison who helped rescue downed airmen in Borneo. Long worked as a radio operator with Dan Illerich.

US WWII veteran, Dan Illerich
US WWII veteran, Dan Illerich, the sole surviving downed airmen rescued by the Dayak tribesmen pictured with a L-3 Aeronca, a lightaircrft similar to the plane in which he was rescued from Borneo.

An reenactment scene of downed American airmen
An reenactment scene of downed American airmen shot in Nanga Ulai, Sarawak, Borneo

An reenactment scene of downed American Airmen meeting Dayak tribesmen
An reenactment scene of downed American Airmen meeting Dayak tribesmen shot in Nanga Ulai, Sarawak, Borneo.

British Major Tom Harrisson and some of his Australian commandoes
British Major Tom Harrisson and some of his Australian commandoes on the bamboo airstrip in June, 1945. Harrison and his men launched an audacious rescue plan to get the US airmen out of Borneo. On the right of the flagpoles is the head of a senior Japanese official, brought to Harrisson as a gift from one of the local headmen.

Tom Harrisson
Tom Harrisson (in a rare wartime photograph) - the British Major who devised an audacious rescue plan to get the US airmen out of Borneo.

Some of the Dayaks
Pictured are some of the Dayaks who protected the US airmen and fought the Japanese in Borneo during World War Two.

Dan Illerich pictured with his B-24 Liberator bomber crew
Dan Illerich pictured with his B-24 Liberator bomber crew – “The Coberly Crew,” who were shot down over Borneo in 1944. The downed airmen were rescued and protected from the Japanese by headhunting members of the Dayak tribe.