S15 Ep1: Vampire Legend Behind the Scenes GalleryOctober 22, 2015 Professor John Blair & Ian Meadows with bones at Museum of London Archaeology.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdDacre Stoker, author and Bra mStoker's great grand nephew.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdFemale skull from deviant burial at Anglo-Saxon site - West Heslerton, Workshire, England.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdProfessor Dominic Powlesland, with Professor John Blair.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdProfessor John Blair examines the bones of a female deviant burial.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdMirca Mitrica, modern day vampire slayer.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdProfessor Matteo Borrini, with the reconstructed skull of the "vampire" from the Venice plague pit.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdDramatic re-enactment, Saxon/early medieval man at a grave side preparing to carry out an anti-vampire ritual.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdDramatic re-enactment, Saxon/early medieval man removes severed head from body to place it between the corpse's legs.Credit: ©Icon Films LtdDramatic re-enactment, Saxon/early medieval man find the "vampire's" body in tact with blood on the shroud at the mouth.Credit: ©Icon Films Ltd SHARE