Video: The Lovers Untangled in A Midsummer Night’s Dream


The mixed-up story of the young lovers Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius, and Helena in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream can be quite confusing. This two-minute animation sums up what you need to know.

The video was produced by WNET Interactive Engagement Group

Producers: Heila Nir and Christina Knight
Editor: Chie Miyajima
Voice: Heila Nir
Writers: Karen Brazell and Christina Knight
Art Director: Karen Brazell
Executive Producers: Nick Miller and Daniel B. Greenberg

This video produced by WNET/Thirteen uses these sounds from Freesound: Magic and FANTASY by Robinhood76, Fairytale by Flick3r, Soundscapes > Bubbles by Electroviolence, animals.hairy by dobroide, More Household Instruments by NoiseCollector, Thunders by OneSoundToRuleThemAll, sword by nextmaking, Piano moods extended by HerbertBoland, Sad Trombone by Timbre


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