This media gallery from Shakespeare Uncovered examines how racism impacted Othello throughout its history and the public’s reaction to specific performances.
This media gallery from Shakespeare Uncovered examines how racism impacted Othello throughout its history and the public’s reaction to specific performances.
MORE ›Use this video resource to explore who Othello is and learn about the historical figure who possibly inspired Shakespeare to write the character of Othello.
MORE ›This media gallery from Shakespeare Uncovered will help your students understand the many plots in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and how they are all intertwined.
MORE ›This resource from Shakespeare Uncovered explores the character of Puck (also know as Robin Goodfellow) and how he impacts the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
MORE ›This media gallery from Shakespeare Uncovered examines how and why love potion is used Shakespeare’s comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
MORE ›This activity from Shakespeare Uncovered explores the subplot of King Lear, diving into the family dynamics of the Earl of Gloucester and the infamous blinding scene.
MORE ›This activity from Shakespeare Uncovered explores an alternative ending to King Lear written by Nahum Tate in 1681.
MORE ›This activity from Shakespeare Uncovered explores the famous storm scene in King Lear with a focus on how it is staged.
MORE ›This media gallery from Shakespeare Uncovered examines how King Lear’s identity becomes a driving question in the play after giving up his crown.
MORE ›This resource explores the relationship between King Lear and his unnamed Fool in this lesson from Shakespeare Uncovered.