June 1st, 2009
Dishing Democracy
Vocabulary and Resources

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sound man Benny Jansen, director Bregtje van Haak
photo credit: Daisy Mohr


cultural diffusion: a process in which one culture’s ideas and values are adopted by another

freedom of speech: the right to express opinions and ideas without the fear of punishment

government oversight: supervision by a country’s official authorities

media: mass communications including television, radio, and the Web

social reform: attempts to achieve positive change in society

taboo: a religious, social or cultural ban on doing or discussing something seen as immoral or disruptive

photo credit: Daisy Mohr


Web Sites

CIA World Factbook — Egypt

CIA World Factbook — Lebanon

CIA World Factbook — Qatar

CIA World Factbook — Saudi Arabia

CIA World Factbook — United Arab Emirates

Mosaic-Link TV: World News from the Middle East

Middle East Newsline

Middle East Online

Arab Advisors Meeting

Books and Articles

Rubin, Barry. The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East. New York: Wiley, 2005.

Anderson, Jon W., Dale F. Eickelman, Editors. New Media in the Muslim World: The Emerging Public Sphere (Middle East Studies). Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2003.

Fandy, Mamoun. (Un)Civil War of Words: Media and Politics in the Arab World. New York: Praeger Security International General Interest, 2007.

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