WIDE ANGLE’s documentaries are valuable resources for teachers and students. These lesson plans and activities for middle and high school classes serve as a guide to exploring the themes of the films. Most WIDE ANGLE episodes may be purchased for educational and non-theatric use from Films Media Group.
Accountability for Human Rights Violations
This lesson plan provides an opportunity to explore human rights violations and international courts of law. Students focus primarily on the case study of Slobodan MiloseviƧ’s regime.
Are All Children at the Same Starting Gate?
In this lesson, students learn about the differences in education systems in developing and developed nations, explore the factors that impede schooling, examine efforts to ensure universal access to education, and undertake a project that supports these efforts.
China’s Rule of Law: Changing with the Times?
Students identify and analyze the positive and negative effects of China’s changing legal system and build on their findings to design a program to promote a just and efficient legal system in China.
Use this lesson to explore the theme of global economics. Students investigate the impact of the World Trade Organization in developing countries.
Exploring Freedom of Expression
In order to understand what freedom of expression is, students first need to be able to define expression and recognize its various forms.
Gang Violence from L.A. to El Salvador
In this lesson, students will look at the harsh realities of gang life, the impact of gang life on Salvadoran society, and what is and isn’t being done to resolve the issue.
The Growth of Business and the Rise of Conservative Islam in Turkey
In this lesson, students explore the changes taking place in Turkish society and the Turkish economy.
This lesson is designed to help children conduct a human rights discussion and understand the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Rwanda: A Nation Recovering and Rebuilding
Students will learn about the history of Rwanda and the genocide that killed 800,000 men, women, and children.
Explore the plight of fishing families in Scotland by researching the impact of the European Union’s fishing policies on the social, personal, environmental, economic and political realities of a small community.
Suppression or Liberation: Islam, Hijab and Modern Society
Students will explore basic beliefs and practices of Islam and examine the different views of women’s modesty and hijab among Muslims and in modern society.
Violence as a Means of Resistance
With this case study, students will explore the question of whether violence is an acceptable means of resistance to oppression or whether diplomacy and political solutions must be pursued instead.