Middle East

Future for Lebanon: Introduction

(July 19, 2005) "Future for Lebanon" takes viewers to the oldest democracy in the Middle East as voters go to the polls in a new era. From the beaches of Beirut to the radical rallies of Hezbollah, WIDE ANGLE explores political change in one of the pivotal nations of the Arab region -- change from within, not imposed from the outside.

Jul 19th, 2005

The Saudi Question: Introduction

Will the kingdom will find a path to democratic reform or succumb to a rising tide of Islamic extremism.

Oct 7th, 2004

Red Lines and Deadlines: Introduction

(September 23, 2004) Twenty-five years after the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the struggle for political reform is the big story. With rare access, WIDE ANGLE films behind the scenes with the young reporters of one of Iran's leading reformist newspapers.

Sep 23rd, 2004

Suicide Bombers: Introduction

(July 1, 2004) In a series of unique, powerful, and revealing interviews from inside Israeli prisons, this film examines the minds of Palestinian suicide bombers. Three failed suicide bombers, one recruiter, and one bomb builder captured by Israeli security forces speak openly of their training, motivation, operational methodology, and profound belief in the idea of entering paradise by becoming a martyr killed in the cause of Islam.

Jul 1st, 2004

Exclusive to al-Jazeera: Introduction

(July 10, 2003) WIDE ANGLE goes behind the scenes of Al-Jazeera's broadcast headquarters in the Arabian Gulf state of Qatar during its nonstop coverage of the war in Iraq. Watched by millions of people in the Arab world, the first Arabic all-news network had continuous access to events in Iraq.

Jul 10th, 2003

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