Drug Trade

Ransom City: Introduction

(August 29, 2006) In Sao Paulo, where someone is kidnapped every three days on average, "Ransom City" explores a twist in Brazil's dangerous crime fad as the mothers of five celebrity soccer players are abducted and held for ransom in a six month period.

Aug 29th, 2006

An Honest Citizen: Introduction

(September 16, 2004) What could be more dangerous than trying to bring law and order to Colombia? "An Honest Citizen" follows Maria Cristina Chirolla, head of the attorney general's anti-money laundering office, as she struggles to fight the extraordinary reach of drug money in Colombia.

Sep 16th, 2004

Coca and the Congressman: Introduction

(August 7, 2003) WIDE ANGLE travels with Evo Morales to the stunning highlands of Bolivia as he fights to expand the amount of coca that can be legally grown by farmers. The pitfalls of a drug-based economy -- and the difficulty of finding suitable replacement crops to support peasant families -- are all part of the story.

Aug 7th, 2003

Bitter Harvest: Introduction

With the departure of the Taliban, the current opium crop in Afghanistan is among the largest ever. How will the world's drug control authorities deal with this fact of Central Asian life? And how will the United States resolve a dilemma that pits the war on terror against the war on drugs?

Aug 22nd, 2002

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