National Building/Political Reform

Iraqi Exodus: Introduction

(August 19, 2008) WIDE ANGLE reports from the frontlines of the staggering refugee crisis that is unfolding in the Middle East as Iraqis flee their war-torn country at the rate of up to 50,000 people per month.

Jul 11th, 2011

A Woman Among Warlords: Introduction

(September 11, 2007) Since Afghanistan emerged from under Taliban rule in late 2001, women's rights have made great strides on paper. But the reality on the ground is a mixed picture.

Jul 11th, 2011

Turkey’s Tigers: Introduction

(August 22, 2006) For years, Turkey has been run by a stridently secular business and political elite struggling to align itself with the Western world, while its pious Muslims have been pushed to the political and economic fringes. But now, even the most devout Muslims are embracing Western-style capitalism and commerce.

Jul 11th, 2011

Japan’s About-Face: Introduction

(July 8, 2008) The film "Japan's About-Face" is a remarkable window into the shifting role of the military in post-war Japanese society. WIDE ANGLE has acquired exclusive access to the National Defense Academy, Japan's "West Point."

Jul 11th, 2011

Flying Down to Kabul: Introduction

(August 1, 2006) One day, Danish artist and pilot Simone Aaberg Kærn reads in her morning paper the story of a 16-year-old Afghan girl who dreams of becoming a fighter pilot. Flying 3,000 miles from Denmark to Kabul in her rickety canvas-covered plane, Kærn vows to find young Farial and make her airborne dream come true.

Aug 1st, 2006

Class of 2006: Map: Family Law in the Middle East and North Africa: Algeria

Jul 25th, 2006

Future for Lebanon: Introduction

(July 19, 2005) "Future for Lebanon" takes viewers to the oldest democracy in the Middle East as voters go to the polls in a new era. From the beaches of Beirut to the radical rallies of Hezbollah, WIDE ANGLE explores political change in one of the pivotal nations of the Arab region -- change from within, not imposed from the outside.

Jul 19th, 2005

The Saudi Question: Interview: Senator Joseph R. Biden

October 7, 2004: Senator Joseph Biden (D - Delaware,) the ranking Democrat on the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, discusses Saudi Arabia with host Carol Marin.

Oct 7th, 2004

The Saudi Question: Introduction

Will the kingdom will find a path to democratic reform or succumb to a rising tide of Islamic extremism.

Oct 7th, 2004

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