National Building/Political Reform

Media by Milosevic: Introduction

(September 12, 2002) This investigative report will take the viewer inside the realm, and inside the mind, of one of the most effective and brutal tyrants of the past 50 years.

Sep 12th, 2002

Cause for Murder: Introduction

(September 5, 2002) The election of President Vicente Fox in 2000 ended more than 70 years of single-party rule. This film examines the hopes that a new dawn has come in Mexico's history, and the fear that graft and corruption are immovable.

Sep 5th, 2002

Greetings from Grozny: Explore Chechnya’s Turbulent Past: 1944: Deportation

On February 23, 1944, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the Chechens and their Ingush neighbors -- some 400,000 people -- to be deported to Central Asia and Siberia for "mass collaboration" with invading Nazis.

Jul 25th, 2002

Saddam’s Ultimate Solution: Introduction

One of the world's least-known societies, Iraqi Kurdistan, is under ongoing genocidal attack by Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. British filmmaker Gwynne Roberts shot inside Iraqi Kurdistan for five years to prepare this unique report on a group who may play a crucial role, equivalent to that of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, in any military attempt to overthrow Saddam's bloody regime.

Jul 11th, 2002

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