Europe & Russia

Gold Futures: Discussion Guide Introduction

Gold Futures is a David-and-Goliath story set in a scenic Romanian village in the heart of Transylvania. At stake: a massive deposit of gold ore -- and a 2000-year-old village community that has existed since the ancient Romans founded a mining town on the edge of their empire.

Jun 1st, 2009

Violence As A Means of Resistance: Introduction

With this case study, students will explore the question of whether violence is an acceptable means of resistance to oppression or whether diplomacy and political solutions must be pursued instead.

Jun 15th, 2008

Something’s Fishy in Scotland: Introduction

Explore the plight of fishing families in Scotland by researching the impact of the European Union's fishing policies on the social/personal, environmental, economic, and political realities of a small community.

Jun 15th, 2008

Accountability for Human Rights Violations: Introduction

This lesson plan provides an opportunity to explore human rights violations and international courts of law. Students focus primarily on the case study of Slobodan MiloseviƧ's regime.

Jun 15th, 2008

The Growth of Business and the Rise of Conservative Islam in Turkey: Introduction

In this lesson, students will view the film "Turkey's Tigers," as well as explore these topics of religion and economy more closely through using articles and information available on the Internet.

Jun 15th, 2008

Suppression or Liberation: Islam, Hijab and Modern Society: Introduction

Students will explore basic beliefs and practices of Islam and examine the different views of women's modesty and hijab among Muslims and in modern society.

Jun 15th, 2008

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