Burning Season: Calculate Your Carbon Footprint
Use this carbon calculator to measure your carbon footprint and find out how you measure up against other households.
Use this carbon calculator to measure your carbon footprint and find out how you measure up against other households.
July 21, 2004: Ambassador Swanee Hunt, Director of the Women and Public Policy program at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, discusses the role of women in rebuilding Rwanda with host Mishal Husain.
Filmmaker Cathy Henkel talks about the reasons behind making the film, "Burning Season."
Do you think trained health workers in the developing world who have not completed medical school should be allowed to perform surgery? Vote and view results now.
WIDE ANGLE explores the often misunderstood role of midwives in the U.S. We learn about who they are, what they do and where they practice.
WIDE ANGLE sat down with public health experts to discuss the causes of maternal death and the progress of mid-level, surgical clinicians who dot across Mozambique and the rest of the world.
The interactive map shows some of the innovative low-cost and low-tech programs that are changing the face of health care around the world.
Filmmakers Karin Falck and Loui Bernal talk about the making of "Birth of a Surgeon."
The United Nations laid out the Millennium Development Goals, which sets targets to end extreme poverty around the world. Here's how Mozambique is doing.
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