A Woman Among Warlords: Filmmaker Notes
To complete "Enemies of Happiness" was no easy task. We shot the film in war-torn southwestern Afghanistan. Farah Province is not a place many foreigners go to and we had difficulties getting out there.
To complete "Enemies of Happiness" was no easy task. We shot the film in war-torn southwestern Afghanistan. Farah Province is not a place many foreigners go to and we had difficulties getting out there.
Fred de Sam Lazaro reports from Vidarbha, India
While production in these countries has been declining over the last three decades--due to ageing mines and rising production costs--an influx of foreign investment has fueled a twentieth century gold rush in the developing world.
The filmmaker, Tibor Kocris, is questioned about about the people and country he shoots for this compelling documentary, Gold Futures.
Director, Olly Lambert, explains what it was like to shoot inside Shifa Hospital in the 'eye of this huge international storm,' the difficulties faced by Palestinians every day, and the culture shock one experiences when crossing from Israel into the Gaza Strip
What inspired me to make Dishing Democracy is the fact that in my recent work and travels in the Middle East and in the Arab world, I recognized the presence and the importance of satellite TV, which has been around for roughly 17 years now.
Unlike Abu Dhabi, Dubai boasts no vast oil reserves or territory. The emirate's plans to diversify its economy and fashion itself into a global center for trade and tourism led to an unprecedented construction boom in the area.
Once a region predominantly inhabited by nomadic Bedouin tribes, the country has become a global hub for trade and tourism.
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