August 10th, 2008
China Prep
Production Diary III

Click here to read the first installment of the China Prep Production Diary

Click here to read China Prep Production Diary II

The Day After — Monday, June 9, 2008

Zhang Lie, one of our main characters, with the looks of a girl from a propaganda poster during Mao’s days, doesn’t seem to know what to think.

Before the exam, she expected to be very happy after it was all over. Now she feels just empty, with no desire to party. We try to sing a song for her and make a little dance on the street; only a faint smile comes to her bleak face. The only thing she can think of is being alone, maybe going to a bookstore, just wondering around.

We accompany her to the brightly lit city center, a sharp contrast to the confined classrooms at the edge of town. We have coffee and lemonade together. When we say goodbye, Rik, our sound engineer, asks Zhang Lie to make him one promise: Could she please send him a postcard when she will be president of China?

~ Marije Meerman

Marije Meerman is the director of China Prep.

The film premieres on WIDE ANGLE on August 12th. Check your local listings for air times, and check here for more of Marije’s story, and for updates about the film.

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