August 19th, 2009
Eyes of the Storm
How You Can Help

WIDE ANGLE viewers often ask what they can do to help. Here is a short list of some of the organizations that work to support survivors of Cyclone Nargis and orphans in Burma (also known as Myanmar), as well as other organizations that advocate for human rights in the country.

An overview of the humanitarian relief still needed in the region in areas such as of food, health, shelter, education and security.

OrphansHope – Myanmar
OrphansHope is an Asia-based Christian organization, focusing on providing aid to children who have lost their parents.

United Nations Agencies in Burma
This website provides links to all United Nations organizations operating in Myanmar.

Partners International
Partners International is a Christian aid organization which focuses on caring for orphans and abandoned children in their work in Myanmar.

Take Action – US Campaign for Burma
The United States Campaign for Burma is a U.S.-based membership organization working towards bringing an end to the dictatorship in Burma.

The Peace Way Foundation: Burma Issues
Burma Issues is a non-profit organization run by ethnic Burmese youth who work to document human right abuses and connect impoverished communities with international donors.

The Cetana Educational Fund
The Cetana Educational Fund works to provide educational opportunities outside of Myanmar for students and professionals.

Burma Rivers Network
The Burma Rivers Network is an environmental organization representing communities who may be or have been affected by large-scale river development.

Karen Emergency Relief Fund
The Karen Emergency Relief Fund exists to provide humanitarian assistance to the Karen people of Burma, as well as the estimated 30,000 Karen who have fled the country.

Burma Watch International
A human rights organization based in Canada promoting and providing humanitarian assistance in Burma.

UN Security Council Burma – ALTSEAN-Burma
Sponsored by the Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma, this site gives multiple ways to get involved with influencing the United Nations Security Council’s action on Burma.

Karen Women’s Organization
A Karen Women’s Organization working on humanitarian relief in refugee camps on the Thai border.

Disclaimer: WIDE ANGLE offers this list as a resource. PBS is not an advocacy organization, we are not affiliated with these organizations, nor do their views represent those of PBS.

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