July 11th, 2002
Saddam's Ultimate Solution
Map: The Kurdish "Problem" and Saddam's Ultimate Solution
Map View 3: Iraqi Attacks on Kurds
Campaign 1 ; Date 02-03/88
Deaths: 32 +
Campaign 2; Date 03/88
Deaths: 87 +
Campaign 3; Date 04/88
Deaths: 15 – 25
Campaign 4; Date 04/88
Deaths: 163 -309
Campaign 5, 6, 7; Date 05-08/88
Deaths: 52 +
Campaign 8; Date 04/88
Deaths: 51 +
Halabja; Date 03/88
Deaths: 3,200 – 5,000
Map View 4: Legacy of the Anfal
Disease: Infant Mortality x4
Disease: Leukemia x3 – x4
Disease: Lymphoma x3 – x4
Disease: Cleft Palate x3
Disease: Spina Bifida x3
Disease: Heart Defect x3
Disease: Down’s Syndrome x3
Disease: Miscarriage x3

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