August 26th, 2004
Young, Muslim, and French
Headscarf Headlines Around the World: Iraq

Reports from Iraq state that, in the chaos following the US-led invasion, female students are subject to vigilantism at the hands of religious squads cruising the streets of Basra and other cities. Young women describe wearing the hijab to avoid intimidation, harassment, and violence from men who deem their dress, behavior, or associations to be un-Islamic. Kidnappings, rapes, and even murders have been linked to vigilante groups targeting women who violate unclear yet increasingly severe religious codes. Dress that is seen as immodest, such as refusal to wear the headscarf, or associations that are considered improper, like working at a video store with products that are viewed to be pornographic, can put women in grave danger. Authorities say that the situation should improve as they develop the means and methods to better police Iraq’s streets. In the meantime, many women adopt more conservative Muslim dress to help stave off problems, saying they will remove it when conditions in the country are more stable.

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