June 15th, 2008
Human Rights Basics

In order to help children explore those issues that are specific to themselves and to children’s/human rights, one must first explore the basic similarities and common needs of all people. This lesson is designed to help children conduct a human rights discussion; understand the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to explore both their similarities and differences. Also included in this lesson are activities designed to help students explore specific issues surrounding the topic of the Human Cargo industry.

Grade Level: 9-12

Time Allotment: Two to four 45-minute class periods

Subject Matter:

  • Human Rights
  • Children’s Rights
  • Current International Events

Learning Objectives:

Students Will

  • Use primary sources, such as news reports and video, to gather information about current events and recent world history;
  • Analyze the information gathered from these primary sources to draw conclusions about the moral aspects of human rights and children’s rights;
  • Form their own individual ideas and concepts of what it means to be a socially responsible person;
  • Develop an understanding about what it means to be a member of a global community and what it entails to be an active member of that community;
  • Gain a sense of individual strength and empowerment as well as a broader view of the world and its people.

Academic Standards:

National Standards for History
Standard 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F

A. Identify issues and problems in the past and analyze the interests, values, perspectives, and points of view of those involved in the situation.

B. Marshal evidence of antecedent circumstances and current factors contributing to contemporary problems and alternative courses of action.

C. Identify relevant historical antecedents and differentiate from those that are inappropriate and irrelevant to contemporary issues.

D. Evaluate alternative courses of action, keeping in mind the information available at the time, in terms of ethical considerations, the interests of those affected by the decision, and the long- and short-term consequences of each.

E. Formulate a position or course of action on an issue by identifying the nature of the problem, analyzing the underlying factors contributing to the problem, and choosing a plausible solution from a choice of carefully evaluated options.

F. Evaluate the implementation of a decision by analyzing the interests it served; estimating the position, power, and priority of each player involved; assessing the ethical dimensions of the decision; and evaluating its costs and benefits from a variety of perspectives.

National Standards for Social Studies http://www.socialstudies.org/standards/

IX. Global Connections; Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of global connections and interdependence.

X. Civic Ideals and Practices; Social studies programs should include experiences that provide for the study of the ideals, principles, and practices of citizenship in a democratic republic.

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