(August 19, 2004) WIDE ANGLE presents the story of a unique marathon that is staged annually -- in one of the world's most punishing deserts -- in the hope of drawing attention to the plight of the Sahrawi people.
Learn more about Western Sahara from these additional web resources.
Proper running shoes should be springy with plenty of cushioning on the inside and adequate arch and ankle support.
In February of 2002 I completed my first Sahara Marathon. While the event is fresh in my mind, I want to write down my thoughts and suggestions for those considering this event in the future.
See what life is like for the Sahrawi in this photo essay.
Former U.S. Secretary of State and former Personal Envoy of the U.N. Secretary General to Western Sahara, James A. Baker III discusses the protracted conflict in Western Sahara with host Mishal Husain.
History of Western Sahara from the 1400s to 2004.
The Sahrawi women are among the most liberated of the Muslim world, and their status is characteristic of the well- organized, egalitarian society that has developed in the refugee camps over the past three decades.
WIDE ANGLE presents the story of a unique marathon that is staged annually in the hope of drawing attention to the plight of the Sahrawi people.
List of countries that recognize Western Sahara's independence.
The Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) was formed to aid U.N. Member States and the Secretary-General in their efforts to alleviate human suffering and to construct institutions that promote self-sustaining peace. Explore the DPKO with these maps.
On July 10, 1951, peace talks began between the U.N. and North Korea
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