All Posts Tagged With: "Afghanistan"

World Links: Verdict Delivered In Burma, Taliban Attack Thwarted In Kuwait

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 11th, 2009

World Links: Typhoons in Asia, Bombings in Iraq and Afghanistan

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 10th, 2009

World Links: More Attacks on Shi’ite pilgrims in Iraq, China Evacuates Thousands Ahead of Typhoon

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 7th, 2009

World Links: Civilian Death Toll Up in Afghanistan, Coordinating Bombings in Iraq

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jul 31st, 2009

One Woman’s Brave Struggle to Expose “Honor Killings”

An award-winning Jordanian author chronicles how her reporting exposed the often accepted practice of murdering women in the name of family honor.

Jul 29th, 2009

World Links: Taliban Lays Out New Rules of Engagement, Islamic Militants Kill Dozens in Nigeria

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jul 27th, 2009

World Links: Riots Precede G8 Summit, Eleven NATO Soldiers Killed

A round up of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jul 7th, 2009

World Links: North Korea Fires Missiles, India Decriminalizes Homosexuality

A round up of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jul 2nd, 2009

World Links: Albanians Go to the Polls, President of Honduras Exiled

A round up of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jun 29th, 2009

World Links: U.S. Drones Strike Taliban, Chinese Authorities Arrest Prominent Dissident

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jun 24th, 2009

World Links: Iranian Clerics Ponder Recount, Afghanistan Begins Presidential Campaign

A round up of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jun 16th, 2009

World Links: Alleged Nazi Extradited, Gas Attacks Sicken Afghan Girls

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

May 12th, 2009

World Links: Hundreds of Thousands Flee Northwest Pakistan, Pope Visits Middle East

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

May 8th, 2009

World Links: US Airstrikes Kill Civilians, Russia To Expell Two NATO Envoys

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

May 6th, 2009

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