All Posts Tagged With: "Afghanistan"

Flying Down to Kabul: Introduction

(August 1, 2006) One day, Danish artist and pilot Simone Aaberg Kærn reads in her morning paper the story of a 16-year-old Afghan girl who dreams of becoming a fighter pilot. Flying 3,000 miles from Denmark to Kabul in her rickety canvas-covered plane, Kærn vows to find young Farial and make her airborne dream come true.

Aug 1st, 2006

Flying Down to Kabul: Map: Airspace Politics: Afghanistan

Aug 1st, 2006

Flying Down to Kabul: Smiling in a War Zone

Simone Kærn’s journey to Afghanistan was inspired by an article she read in her morning newspaper, the DAGBLADET POLITIKEN. Link to a translation of the article that set in motion the events of “Flying Down to Kabul.”

Aug 1st, 2006

Flying Down to Kabul: Web & Print Resources

Link to more information on female pilots and women in Afghanistan.

Aug 1st, 2006

Flying Down to Kabul: Filmmaker Notes: Artist Simone Kærn

Simone Kærn discusses her inspiration for flying from Denmark to Afghanistan in a small 1961 Piper Colt airplane, and her experiences during the filming of “Flying Down to Kabul.”

Aug 1st, 2006

Flying Down to Kabul: Rebuilding Akokolacha

Sarah Chayes is an American who went to Afghanistan in October 2001 to report on the war for National Public Radio. When the fighting — and the news assignment — was over, she sensed her responsibility was just beginning.

Aug 1st, 2006

Flying Down to Kabul: My War at Home

In late 2005, I went to Afghanistan to realize the dream of bringing together women from all over the country to provide their ideas on the most important treatise, the new draft constitution. Afghan women leaders told me their opinions were often unheard or not valued.

Aug 1st, 2006

Hell of a Nation: Introduction

(September 9, 2004) As Afghanistan struggled to adopt a new constitution, WIDE ANGLE filmed behind the scenes at the December 2003 loya jirga. The documentary profiles two aspiring Afghan delegates who face political opposition and physical intimidation as they literally risk their lives to participate in the future of their country.

Sep 9th, 2004

Hell of a Nation: Resources

Link to more information about the history, politics and culture of Afghanistan.

Sep 9th, 2004

Hell of a Nation: Fast Facts: Building a Democracy

See historical facts about the government in Afghanistan, as it attempts to hold its first ever democratic elections under its new constitution.

Sep 9th, 2004

Hell of a Nation: Power Shifts in Afghanistan’s History

Discover how power shifted throughout Afghanistan's tumultuous history in the Info-Graphic.

Sep 9th, 2004

Hell of a Nation: Photo Essay: A Ravaged Country

Photo Essay: A Ravaged Country - See the effects of two decades of war

Sep 9th, 2004

Hell of a Nation: Interview: Ahmed Rashid

Ahmed Rashid discusses nation building in Afghanistan with host Mishal Husain.

Sep 9th, 2004

Hell of a Nation: Essay: Afghan-Style Democracy?

As Afghanistan prepares for its first-ever direct presidential elections on October 9, 2004, international actors should strive for the best but not be too disappointed at shortcomings and difficulties. Neither this election, nor the elections to the lower house of parliament, tentatively scheduled for April 2005, will make Afghanistan a fully functioning democracy.

Sep 9th, 2004

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