All Posts Tagged With: "Bill Moyers"

1-800-INDIA: Interview: Clyde Prestowitz

Bill Moyers interviews Clyde Prestowitz, author of the book hree Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East.

Nov 2nd, 2008

H5N1 – Killer Flu: Interview: Dr. Anthony Fauci

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI discusses the possibility of an avian flu pandemic with anchor Bill Moyers.

Sep 20th, 2005

Unfinished Country: Interview: James Dobbins

James Dobbins, former U.S. Special Envoy to Haiti, discusses social, political, and economic development in the struggling country with Anchor, Bill Moyers.

Sep 6th, 2005

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Unfinished Country: Video: Full Episode

WIDE ANGLE reveals Haiti’s struggle to fashion a true representative government out of a volatile failed state.

Sep 6th, 2005

Border Jumpers: Interview with George Ayittey

George Ayittey of American University discusses African development with Anchor, Bill Moyers.

Jul 26th, 2005

Beslan: Seige of School #1: Interview: Baker & Glasser

Peter Baker and Susan Glasser of the WASHINGTON POST discuss the siege of Beslan with anchor Bill Moyers.

Jul 12th, 2005

White Smoke: Interview: James Carroll

Bestselling author and National Book Award winner James Carroll discusses the Catholic Church with anchor Bill Moyers.

Apr 26th, 2005

Red Lines and Deadlines: Interview with Director, Middle East Forum, Council on Foreign Relations, Judith Kipper

Judith Kipper discusses Iran with anchor Bill Moyers.

Sep 23rd, 2004

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