All Posts Tagged With: "Botswana"

“Africa’s Turn” for Economic Growth May Continue Amid Global Economic Crisis

Half a year into the global economic crisis, an economist tells WIDE ANGLE “there have been positive developments in the past ten years that should help African countries weather the storm.”

Jul 21st, 2009

Economic Crisis in a Globalized World

A round-up of how nations around the globe are dealing with the economic downturn: bailouts, I.M.F. loans, and schadenfreude.

Nov 21st, 2008

Border Jumpers: The World’s Most Complex Borders: Botswana/Zimbabwe

Jul 26th, 2005

Border Jumpers: Resources

Links to information on migration in Africa and the history of Botswana and Zimbabwe.

Jul 26th, 2005

Border Jumpers: Introduction

(July 26, 2005) "Border Jumpers" takes us inside the human drama at the Botswana-Zimbabwe border, profiling illegal immigrants threatened with arrest and deportation, and a journalist who reports on growing fears among Botswana's citizens that their 1.7 million people could be overrun by Zimbabwe's troubled 12 million.

Jul 26th, 2005

Border Jumpers: Strengthening African Leadership

Africa has long been saddled with poor, even malevolent, leadership: predatory kleptocrats, military-installed autocrats, economic illiterates, and puffed-up posturers. By far the most egregious examples come from Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Zimbabwe — countries that have been run into the ground despite their abundant natural resources.

Jul 26th, 2005

Border Jumpers: Photo Essay: Life in Africa

This photo essay examines aspects of life in nine African countries.

Jul 26th, 2005

Border Jumpers: Timeline: Southern Africa

Learn more about the historical facts of Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africans.

Jul 26th, 2005

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