All Posts Tagged With: "Burma"

Eyes of the Storm: Aaron Brown Interview: Maureen Aung-Thwin

Maureen Aung-Thwin is the director of the Open Society Institute’s Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative. She spoke with WIDE ANGLE host Aaron Brown about Burmese politics.

Aug 18th, 2009

World Links: Suicide Bombing Kills 20 in Russia, Mexico Replaces Over 1,000 Border Guards

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 17th, 2009

World Links: U.S. Senator Webb Travels to Burma, Violence Rises in Russia’s Caucasus Region

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 14th, 2009

World Links: European Union Sanctions Burma, U.K. Mulls Releasing Lockerbie Bomber

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 13th, 2009

Aaron Brown and Neil MacFarquhar discuss Aung San Suu Kyi

New York Times reporter Neil MacFarquhar recently visited Burma. He talks with WIDE ANGLE host Aaron Brown about pro-democracy leader Aung San Sui Kyi.

Aug 11th, 2009

Frustration with Aung San Suu Kyi Verdict Could Prompt New International Strategy Towards Burma

A Human Rights Watch researcher on the Burma-Thailand border says Aung San Suu Kyi's sentence should prompt more effective international strategy towards Burma. (Audio interview)

Aug 11th, 2009

World Links: Verdict Delivered In Burma, Taliban Attack Thwarted In Kuwait

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 11th, 2009

World Links: More Attacks on Shi’ite pilgrims in Iraq, China Evacuates Thousands Ahead of Typhoon

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 7th, 2009

World Links: Civilian Death Toll Up in Afghanistan, Coordinating Bombings in Iraq

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jul 31st, 2009

World Links: Iran Releases Demonstrators, Protests Cripple South African Cities

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jul 28th, 2009

Crossing Heaven’s Border: Video: Refugee Escape Stories from Around the World

Every refugee has a story. Here are nine of them, from Iraq, Tibet, Burma, Cuba, Congo and Rwanda.

Jul 1st, 2009

World Links: Suicide Bomber Kills Somali Security Minister, Civilians Flee Fighting in Burma

A round up of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jun 18th, 2009

World Links: Burmese Pro-Democracy Leader Testifies, U.N. to Investigate Both Sides in Sri Lanka Conflict

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

May 26th, 2009

World Links: Irish Inquiry Finds Endemic Abuse at Catholic Institutions, Chad Troops Gather on Sudan’s Border

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

May 20th, 2009

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