All Posts Tagged With: "Burning Season"

Burning Season: Introduction

(July 22, 2008) "Burning Season" kindles both sides of the climate divide in Indonesia and explores whether capitalism can step in where altruism has so far failed to succeed.

Jul 11th, 2011

Burning Season: Photo Essay: Endangered Animals in the World’s Forests

This photo essay illustrates some of the species threatened by deforestation, as well as information about the forests where these animals reside.

Jul 22nd, 2008

Burning Season: Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

Use this carbon calculator to measure your carbon footprint and find out how you measure up against other households.

Jul 22nd, 2008

Burning Season: Filmmaker Notes: Cathy Henkel

Filmmaker Cathy Henkel talks about the reasons behind making the film, "Burning Season."

Jul 22nd, 2008

Burning Season: Resources

Additional web-based resources about Indonesia, climate change and carbon credit trading.

Jul 22nd, 2008

Burning Season: Poll: Should “green” entrepreneurs make money off of saving the environment?

See results of Wide Angle poll.

Jul 22nd, 2008

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