All Posts Tagged With: "China Prep"

China Prep: Introduction

(August 12, 2008) "China Prep" follows five Chinese students through their final high-pressure year at an elite high school in Sichuan Province, where a class of 1,800 teenagers are competing for 59 spots in China’s top two universities.

Jul 11th, 2011

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China Prep: Video: Full Episode

China Prep follows five Chinese students through their final high-pressure year at an elite high school in Sichuan Province.

Aug 14th, 2008

China Prep: Aaron Brown Interview: Vanessa Fong

Aaron Brown sits down with Vanessa Fong, assistant professor of education at Harvard University, whose work has focused on Chinese youth and identity.

Aug 13th, 2008

China Prep: Poll: Should a standardized test like China’s gaokao exclusively determine who gets into college?

See results of Wide Angle poll.

Aug 12th, 2008

China Prep: China Will Not Tolerate Cheating on College Entrance Exam

As China's two-day National College Entrance Exam -- known as gaokao -- begins today, a swirl of activity is planned to ensure the best possible conditions for students to take the test that will determine their professional tracks within Chinese society.

Jun 7th, 2008

China Prep: Chinese Students Return to School at Earthquake’s Epicenter

The first students returned to school in Wenchuan, China, the epicenter of last month’s devastating earthquake, which killed nearly 70,000 people.

Jun 4th, 2008

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