All Posts Tagged With: "China"

China: Chinese Triads

Jul 11th, 2006

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Dying to Leave: Video: Full Episode

This two-hour WIDE ANGLE special explores the current worldwide boom in illicit migration.

Sep 25th, 2003

A State of Mind: North Korea and the Korean War: Fall 1950 China Responds

China had warned that it would repay past debts to Koreans who had fought with them against Chiang Kaishek by defending North Korea against a U.S. invasion. But Washington had ignored the notice.

Sep 11th, 2003

Growing Up Global: Introduction

Ten years ago, filmmaker Bruno Sorrentino began recording the lives of eight newborn babies from around the world. In 1992, world leaders met in Brazil for the Earth Summit on sustainable development. There they made plans and promises to conquer the global problems of overpopulation, over-consumption and poverty. In the ten years since, Sorrentino has revisited the children repeatedly and recorded how their lives have been affected by the issues discussed at Rio.

Aug 29th, 2002

To Have and Have Not: Debate: What the WTO Means for China

Accession to the WTO will bring many changes to China. But not everyone agrees on what those changes are and what they will mean to China and the rest of world. In July of 2002 we asked two leading experts on China to discuss the country's political and economic future.

Jul 18th, 2002

To Have and Have Not: Interview: Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky

Former U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky discusses with host Daljit Dhaliwal the significance of the WTO for China.

Jul 18th, 2002

To Have and Have Not: Resources

Learn more about China from these additional resources.

Jul 18th, 2002

To Have and Have Not: Filmmaker Notes: Director Jon Alpert

Jul 18th, 2002

To Have and Have Not: Sizing Up China’s Economy

Now that China is a member of the WTO and its leaders have committed to economic reforms, will China regain its preeminence and surpass the U.S. as the world's largest economy? Get the facts and decide for yourself.

Jul 18th, 2002

To Have and Have Not: Essay: China’s WTO Guinea Pigs: Will They Bring Political Change?

Say this about China: it's got the blind pursuit of money thing down pat, but the systems and values that normally accompany modernization -- rule of law, transparency, civil society -- are another matter.

Jul 18th, 2002

To Have and Have Not: Introduction

(July 18, 2002) Once the home of the "iron ricebowl" and social equality for all, today China has joined the ranks of the World Trade Organization. This extraordinarily candid film introduces viewers to the unemployed, the working poor and the nouveaux riches alike.

Jul 18th, 2002

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To Have and Have Not: Video: Full Episode

To Have and Have Not examines the dramatic upheaval China is undergoing, profiling people on the extremes of poverty and great wealth.

Jul 18th, 2002

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