All Posts Tagged With: "Congo"

Democracy in the Rough: Introduction

(September 12, 2006) WIDE ANGLE is on the ground as the Democratic Republic of Congo holds its first elections in 45 years -- an election supported by more than $450 million from the United Nations. "Democracy in the Rough" immerses us in a nation haunted by war, threatened by corruption, and torn over how to move toward a democratic and more promising future.

Jul 11th, 2011

World Links: Verdict Delivered In Burma, Taliban Attack Thwarted In Kuwait

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Aug 11th, 2009

Crossing Heaven’s Border: Video: Refugee Escape Stories from Around the World

Every refugee has a story. Here are nine of them, from Iraq, Tibet, Burma, Cuba, Congo and Rwanda.

Jul 1st, 2009

World Links: 60 Killed in Baghdad; 50,000 Trapped in Sri Lanka

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Apr 24th, 2009

U.N. Approves Program to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation

The project -- known as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) -- will be launched in Democratic Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Tanzania and Vietnam.

Mar 19th, 2009

First Trial for International Criminal Court

Will the Obama administration reverse Bush's antagonism towards the ICC?

Jan 26th, 2009

“African of the Year” Helps Congolese Rape Victims

Congo has the globe's highest incidence of rape, with recorded victims ranging from as young as two months to as old as 83 years.

Jan 16th, 2009

Lord’s Resistance Army Calls for Truce

In recent weeks, the Ugandan rebel group known as the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) has been attacking villages, raping women, abducting children, and leaving hundreds of people dead in north-eastern DR Congo.

Jan 12th, 2009

Anthony Gambino on the Crisis in Congo

Interview with Anthony W. Gambino author of a recent Council on Foreign Relations report, Congo: Securing Peace, Sustaining Progress, about the crisis in Congo.

Nov 12th, 2008

Peruvian Water Supply in Peril

A variation on a theme, this scenario has been playing out from Congo to the Philippines: mining operations from the developed world move into ore-rich, but impoverished areas of developing countries.

Oct 30th, 2008

Democracy in the Rough: Book Excerpt: In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz

To what extent can Congo’s current problems be traced back to the legacy of Mobutu Sese Seko’s rule? Africa correspondent Michela Wrong offers some insight in this introduction to her book about the rise and fall of the man also known as The Leopard.

Sep 12th, 2006

Democracy in the Rough: Photo Essay: The Troubled Heart of Africa

Explore the history of the DRC from Belgian King Leopold II to Joseph Kabila in this photo essay.

Sep 12th, 2006

Democracy in the Rough: Essay: Building a Congolese State Where There Was None

Ruling through peace after years of relying on violence doesn’t come easy. This point was proved by three days of fighting that broke after the first round results of the presidential elections in the Congo were announced on 20 August.

Sep 12th, 2006

Democracy in the Rough: Filmmaker Notes: Fred de Sam Lazaro

Filmmaker, Fred de Sam Lazaro, talks about making "Democracy in the Rough," and the problems he ran into along the way.

Sep 12th, 2006

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