All Posts Tagged With: "Ethiopia"

World Links: Ethiopia Requests Emergency Food Aid, Karadzic Boycotts His Own Trial

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Oct 22nd, 2009

Once Upon a Coup: China’s Footprint in Africa

China has a voracious demand for resources that Africa possesses. Explore this interactive map to learn where China is extracting oil and minerals from the African continent.

Aug 25th, 2009

Watch Video

The Market Maker: Full Episode

Watch the full episode of The Market Maker, about one woman's attempt to end famine in Ethiopia by starting the country's first commodities exchange.

Jul 27th, 2009

The Market Maker: Video: The Revolution that Wasn’t Enough

Roger Thurow explains how the Green Revolution helped end hunger in most of the world, but stopped short of Africa.

Jul 22nd, 2009

The Market Maker: Video: Inside the World’s Oldest Commodities Exchange

Learn about the history of the Chicago Board of Trade and how commodities trading works in the U.S. today.

Jul 22nd, 2009

The Market Maker: Production Diary III: Open Sesame

I’m sitting on the roof of my hotel at sunset in Humera, sweating. The temperature is dropping, but it’s still up around 115 Fahrenheit.

Jul 22nd, 2009

Live Chat with Aaron Brown, Eleni Gabre Madhin and the Filmmakers

After the premiere of The Market Maker, WIDE ANGLE is pleased to invite you to join a live conversation about the film!

Jul 22nd, 2009

The Market Maker: Production Diary II: Coffee and Peppers

Eleni and her staff at the Ethiopia Commodities Exchange (ECX) are struggling to free themselves from the complex and thorny world that is the international coffee industry....

Jul 21st, 2009

“Africa’s Turn” for Economic Growth May Continue Amid Global Economic Crisis

Half a year into the global economic crisis, an economist tells WIDE ANGLE “there have been positive developments in the past ten years that should help African countries weather the storm.”

Jul 21st, 2009

The Market Maker: Production Diary I: Farming and Filming, Before Sunrise

At 3:30 a.m. this morning, we were shivering on the side of a desolate road near Bure, a provincial town seven hours north of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia...

Jul 20th, 2009

The Market Maker: Resources

Find additional web-based resources about Ethiopia and its food supply and trade.

Jul 20th, 2009

Trading Up: Bringing Ethiopia’s Economy Into The 21st Century: Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students will learn about the efforts of Ethiopian reformers to create a modern agricultural commodities exchange in an economic environment historically dominated by inefficient tradition and government corruption. Contained within are lesson activities and video segments which may be used on their own or in conjunction with the lesson.

May 29th, 2009

Trading Up: Bringing Ethiopia’s Economy Into The 21st Century: Video Segments

May 29th, 2009

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