All Posts Tagged With: "Gaza"

Gaza E.R.: Introduction

(August 14, 2007) In the summer of 2006, as internal battles fracture the Palestinian Territories, WIDE ANGLE provides a glimpse inside the conflict as it spirals out of control. Gaza E.R. follows doctors, nurses, and staff at Shifa Hospital, the largest in the Gaza Strip, as they struggle in the face of turf wars between Hamas, rival faction Fatah, and powerful families with competing agendas.

Jul 11th, 2011

World Links: Pakistan Suffers Six Attacks in One Day, U.N. Endorses Gladstone Report

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Oct 15th, 2009

World Links: Iranian Opposition Rallies for Fifth Day, Peru’s Prime Minister to Resign

A round up of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jun 17th, 2009

World Links: 6th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion, Obama Sends Message to Iran

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Mar 20th, 2009

World Links: Tsvangirai’s Wife Killed in Car Crash; U.S.-Syria Talks to Begin

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Mar 6th, 2009

World Links: Aid to Gaza; Clashes in Somalia

A round-up of today's global news headlines.

Feb 24th, 2009

Gaza E.R.: In Amman, All Eyes on Gaza

An estimated 60 percent of Jordanians are of Palestinian origin or descent—including my family.

Jan 15th, 2009

Hamas Hiding in Shifa Hospital?

Israeli officials say that Hamas leaders are operating out of a bunker underneath Gaza's Shifa Hospital.

Jan 13th, 2009

Medical Supplies Get Through to Gaza

As usual, Gaza City's Shifa Hospital is in the center of the chaos.

Jan 7th, 2009

Gaza E.R.: Preview

In 2006, WIDE ANGLE visited Gaza's Shifa Hospital in the film Gaza E.R. Here's a preview.

Jan 6th, 2009

Gaza E.R.: Filmmaker Notes

Director, Olly Lambert, explains what it was like to shoot inside Shifa Hospital in the 'eye of this huge international storm,' the difficulties faced by Palestinians every day, and the culture shock one experiences when crossing from Israel into the Gaza Strip

Aug 14th, 2007

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