All Posts Tagged With: "Gini Reticker"

Tonight on Bill Moyers Journal: Leymah Gbowee and Abby Disney

Tonight on Bill Moyers Journal: Leymah Gbowee, who led the women's peace movement in Liberia, and Abby Disney, producer of Pray the Devil Back to Hell, the film that tells her story.

Jun 19th, 2009

About the Producers

Biographies of Gini Reticker, Abigail Disney, and Pamela Hogan.

Jan 21st, 2009

Class of 2006: Filmmaker Notes: Producer Charlotte Mangin and Director Gini Reticker

During my honeymoon in Tangier in the summer of 2004, the Moroccan press was abuzz with news of King Mohammed VI's progressive new family law. Granting women equal rights in marriage, divorce, and the ownership of property, it was hailed as a revolutionary step toward women's empowerment in the Arab world.

Jul 25th, 2006

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