All Posts Tagged With: "global economic crisis"

Raise the Last Glass: Introduction

FOCAL POINT’s "Raise the Last Glass" follows two Waterford Crystal workers as they fight to save both their jobs and a bit of Irish heritage.

Jan 1st, 2010

“Africa’s Turn” for Economic Growth May Continue Amid Global Economic Crisis

Half a year into the global economic crisis, an economist tells WIDE ANGLE “there have been positive developments in the past ten years that should help African countries weather the storm.”

Jul 21st, 2009

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Raise the Last Glass: Video

FOCAL POINT follows two Waterford Crystal workers as they fight to save their jobs and a bit of Irish heritage.

Jun 11th, 2009

Raise the Last Glass: Interview with Veteran GM Worker Brian Larkin

Wide Angle interviews 36-year General Motors veteran, Brian Larkin, about the loss of GM jobs in Pontiac, Michigan.

Jun 11th, 2009

Raise the Last Glass: Resources

Additional web-based resources on Ireland, Waterford Crystal, and the Irish economy

Jun 11th, 2009

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