All Posts Tagged With: "heroin"

Bitter Harvest: Introduction

With the departure of the Taliban, the current opium crop in Afghanistan is among the largest ever. How will the world's drug control authorities deal with this fact of Central Asian life? And how will the United States resolve a dilemma that pits the war on terror against the war on drugs?

Aug 22nd, 2002

Bitter Harvest: Resources

Links to information on the global drug trade, and efforts to combat the drug problem in Afghanistan.

Aug 22nd, 2002

Watch Video

Bitter Harvest: Video: Full Episode

Forces aligned against the Taliban find themselves in an uneasy relationship with the drug lords who cultivate much of the world's heroin.

Aug 22nd, 2002

Bitter Harvest: Interview with Mark Malloch Brown

UNDP Administrator Mark Malloch Brown talks with host Daljit Dhaliwal.

Aug 22nd, 2002

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