All Posts Tagged With: "Iraqi Exodus"

Iraqi Exodus: Introduction

(August 19, 2008) WIDE ANGLE reports from the frontlines of the staggering refugee crisis that is unfolding in the Middle East as Iraqis flee their war-torn country at the rate of up to 50,000 people per month.

Jul 11th, 2011

Iraqi Exodus: Production Diary II: A Day at the Museum

As the stories of suffering in Iraq and subsequent frustration in Syria pile up, director Tania Rahkmanova takes a short break and visits a museum.

Aug 19th, 2008

Iraqi Exodus: Video: Syrian Ambassador on the Impact of Refugees

In this WIDE ANGLE web exclusive, Bashar Ja'afari, the Syrian ambassador to the United Nations, describes how Iraqi refugees have changed life in Syria.

Aug 19th, 2008

Iraqi Exodus: Production Diary I: Welcome to Syria

Filmmaker Tania Rahkmanova arrives in Syria to film "Iraqi Exodus."

Aug 19th, 2008

Iraqi Exodus: Donation Information for Refugees in Portland

Donation information for refugees resettling in Portland, Oregon.

Aug 19th, 2008

Watch Video

Iraqi Exodus: Video: Full Episode

WIDE ANGLE reports from the frontlines of the staggering refugee crisis in the Middle East as Iraqis flee their war-torn country.

Aug 19th, 2008

Iraqi Exodus: Additional Web Resources

Learn more about the Iraqi refugee crisis from these sources.

Aug 19th, 2008

Iraqi Exodus: Production Diary III: A Family Still Torn Apart by War

Filmmaker Tania Rahkmanova recounts the story of a family still separated by war.

Aug 19th, 2008

U.S. Admits More Iraqi Refugees

In May, the United States accepted 1,141 Iraqi refugees--the most the U.S. has accepted in a given month. The Bush administration projected it could admit almost 8,000 more refugees by the end of September, closing in on (but not guaranteeing) its goal of 12,000 refugees by fiscal year-end.

Jun 19th, 2008

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