All Posts Tagged With: "Ireland"


FOCAL POINT is a new series of web-exclusive documentary shorts on international current affairs produced by Wide Angle, in collaboration with independent producers from around the globe.

Nov 15th, 2008

Mixed Blessings: An Irish Answer to a Global Problem

Ireland announced that it would guarantee all bank deposits in order to regain confidence in the Irish banking system. The potential risk for the Irish taxpayer is €400 billion. Or to put it another way, it’s over 200 percent of Ireland’s GDP.

Oct 9th, 2008

Mixed Blessings: Introduction

(July 18, 2006) "Mixed Blessings" looks at Ireland's dramatic transformation from a poor nation of rolling green fields, farmers' pubs, and devout Catholics to an urbanized, secularized and giddily flush society. In this program, WIDE ANGLE visits the city of Limerick.

Jul 18th, 2006

Mixed Blessings: Essay: The Pope’s Children

In the last 15 years, the Republic of Ireland has seen a dramatic economic renaissance that has catapulted its economy into the ranks of the richest in Europe. Rapid change has been a mixed blessing, however, as the march of progress overwhelms much of the traditional charm that has been Ireland's trademark for decades.

Jul 18th, 2006

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Mixed Blessings: Video: Full Episode

Mixed Blessings looks at Ireland's dramatic transformation from a poor nation to an urbanized and secularized society.

Jul 18th, 2006

Mixed Blessings: Filmmaker Notes: Director Darragh Byrne and Co-producer Erin Chapman

Director Darragh Byrne and Co-producer Erin Chapman discuss the inspiration behind "Mixed Blessings" and the making of the film.

Jul 18th, 2006

Mixed Blessings: Resources

Jul 18th, 2006

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