World Links: U.N. Office Attacked in Islamabad, Obama Snubs Dalai Lama
A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.
A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.
WIDE ANGLE talks to an imam, a rabbi, a Baptist minister and a Catholic priest about whether their faiths allow organ donation.
A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.
Dishing Democracy goes behind the scenes at Arab television channel MBC in Cairo and its hit all-female talk show, Kalam Nawa'em.
by Marda Dunsky. The right of citizens to freely elect representative governments is the hallmark of democratic societies. While this right is not widely enjoyed in the Arab world, democratization in Arab societies has nevertheless taken root -- bolstered by media technologies that bypass government control and put the potential for change in the hands of the people.
Muna AbuSulayman talks about her life as a Muslim feminist and what it's like for her to appear on Kalam Nawaem.
A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.
A map of Pakistan's electoral politics.
Video: Oprah now reaches over 6 million viewers in the Arab world each day, bringing conversations about domestic violence or homosexuality to living rooms where these subjects are still taboo.
The tombs of Muslim soldiers who served in the French army during World War I were desecrated on Sunday night in a cemetery in the north of France.
An appeals court in France reinstated a marriage between two Muslims who split up on their wedding night because the bride had lied about her virginity.
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah has announced plans to build the first women-only university in the kingdom, and vows that it will be the largest women’s university in the world.
These lesson plans and activities for middle and high school classes serve as a guide to exploring the themes of WIDE ANGLE films.
Last month a religious leader in Morocco, Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman al-Maghraoui, received a question on his website about whether a woman can get married before reaching puberty. He responded by issuing a fatwa, or religious ruling, saying it was lawful for a Muslim man to marry girls as young as nine years old.
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