All Posts Tagged With: "Islam"

Bedazzled Abayas

The clothing police are cracking down on streaks of vibrant color, bands of glittering crystal and sexy leopard skin prints popping up on the runway—or rather, in this case, in Saudi Arabia's marketplaces.

Oct 6th, 2008

Faking Virginity: France and Islam Spar Yet Again

France is home to Europe’s largest Muslim population, and striking a balance between Islamic traditions and secular French values isn’t always simple.

Sep 25th, 2008

New Arab Coalition Speaks Out on Darfur

The newly formed Arab Coalition for Darfur condemned the Muslim world for its silence on the atrocities in Darfur during the 35th Organization of the Islamic Conference, a meeting of the foreign ministers of 57 Muslim nations.

Jun 20th, 2008

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Dishing Democracy: Full Episode

WIDE ANGLE goes behind the scenes at Arab television channel MBC in Cairo for an inside look at the hit all-female talk show, KALAM NAWAEM, whose hosts are using the power of transnational satellite TV to push social reform.

Jul 31st, 2007

Pilgrimage to Karbala: Sunni and Shia: The Worlds of Islam

Globally, the Shia account for an estimated 10 or 15 percent of the Muslim population, but in the Middle East their numbers are much higher: they dominate the population of Iran, compose a majority in Iraq, and are significant minorities in other nations.

Mar 26th, 2007

Pilgrimage to Karbala: Who are the Shia?: Battle of Karbala

The Shia rejected the authority of the Umayyad dynasty, claiming that the Umayyads were usurpers and demanding that leadership go to the direct descendants of the Prophet. The Shia rose in the city of al-Kufah (south of Karbala, in present-day Iraq) and, in 680 A.D., invited Ali's son Hussein to join them and be their leader.

Mar 26th, 2007

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Turkey’s Tigers: Video: Full Episode

For years, Turkey's pious Muslims have been pushed to the fringes of the stridently secular country. Now Muslims are embracing capitalism and commerce.

Aug 22nd, 2006

Turkey’s Tigers: Essay: Bordering on What?

The jostling together of European fads, age-old rural folkways and Islamic fervor has been a fact of Turkish life for a long time.

Aug 22nd, 2006

Class of 2006: Data: Timeline of some prominent women in the Muslim world.

Following the death of the Prophet Muhammad, his third wife, Aisha bint Abu Bakar becomes one of four people to transmit the "hadiths," or the words and deeds of Muhammad considered by many Muslims to be important tools for discerning the Qur'an.

Jul 25th, 2006

Class of 2006: Resources

Links to information on Islam, education for women, and women's rights organizations.

Jul 25th, 2006

Pickles, Inc.: Arab Women in Israel and the Palestinian Territories

Many modern debates about "women's status in Islam" focus on topics such as polygamy, the veil, and a few verses from the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an, that seem to impose female subordination -- to men in general and husbands in particular.

Aug 30th, 2005

The Saudi Question: Introduction

Will the kingdom will find a path to democratic reform or succumb to a rising tide of Islamic extremism.

Oct 7th, 2004

The Saudi Question: Essay: Saudi Arabia, America’s Ally and Enemy

Saudi Arabia is in the throes of a crisis. Its population is growing faster than its economy, its welfare state is rapidly deteriorating, regional and sectarian resentments are rising, and the disaffected are increasingly turning to radical Islamic activism.

Oct 7th, 2004

The Worlds of Islam

Learn where Sunni and Shia Muslims live with this map of the Islamic world.

Sep 23rd, 2004

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