All Posts Tagged With: "Japan About-Face"

Japan’s About-Face: Video: Preview

(Premieres July 8, 2008) The film "Japan's About-Face" is a remarkable window into the shifting role of the military in post-war Japanese society.

Jul 8th, 2008

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Japan’s About-Face: Video: Full Episode

Japan’s About-Face is a remarkable window into the shifting role of the military in post-war Japanese society.

Jul 8th, 2008

Japan’s About-Face: Poll: Should the Japanese SDF participate in American military operations around the world?

Take the poll: Should the Japanese SDF participate in American military operations around the world?

Jul 8th, 2008

Japan’s About-Face: Filmmaker Notes: Micah Fink

Filmmaker Micah Fink talks about how and why he was granted the access necessary to make "Japan's About-Face". Fink also reflects on whether Japan is still a pacifist nation.

Jul 8th, 2008

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