All Posts Tagged With: "Lebanon"

Pilgrimage to Karbala: Introduction

(March 26, 2007) In the summer of 2006, as the Iranian-backed Hezbollah fought off Israelis in Lebanon and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faced down President George Bush at the United Nations, a bus full of Iranian pilgrims left Tehran on a journey to the holy city of Karbala, deep inside a shattered Iraq.

Jul 11th, 2011

Contestant No. 2: Slideshow: Who Are the Druze?

Learn more about the faith, culture and history of the Druze, a tight-knit social and religious community with an estimated one million members worldwide.

Jul 29th, 2009

World Links: Nasrallah Concedes Defeat in Lebanon, Brown Urged to Step Down in the U.K.

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jun 8th, 2009

World Links: U.K.’s Prime Minister Refuses to Resign, Suicide Bomber Kills 30 in Mosque Blast

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Jun 5th, 2009

World Links: Biden Visits Beirut, Fighting Rages in Mogadishu

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

May 22nd, 2009

World Links: Explosion in Lebanon, Elections in Macedonia

A roundup of links to local stories of global importance from around the world.

Mar 23rd, 2009

Future for Lebanon: Introduction

(July 19, 2005) "Future for Lebanon" takes viewers to the oldest democracy in the Middle East as voters go to the polls in a new era. From the beaches of Beirut to the radical rallies of Hezbollah, WIDE ANGLE explores political change in one of the pivotal nations of the Arab region -- change from within, not imposed from the outside.

Jul 19th, 2005

Future for Lebanon: Timeline: Lebanon from 1920 to 2005

A timeline of the history of Lebanon in the 20th Century.

Jul 19th, 2005

Future for Lebanon: Filmmaker Notes: Director Paul Mitchell

Director Paul Mitchell talks about the genesis of the film, Future of Lebanon.

Jul 19th, 2005

Future for Lebanon: The Struggle for Lebanon

The Lebanese political system is sectarian, and will continue as such for the foreseeable future. Parliament is divided evenly between Christians and Muslims, though the latter are a majority, while the three highest posts in the state — that of president, prime minister and speaker of parliament — are reserved for Maronite Christians, Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims, respectively.

Jul 19th, 2005

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