All Posts Tagged With: "midwifery"

Birth of a Surgeon: Introduction

(July 15, 2009) Birth of a Surgeon travels to Mozambique where, for the first time, midwives are being trained in advanced life-saving surgery. Suffering from an acute shortage of doctors, Mozambique's bold grassroots initiatives have cut the maternal death rate in half.

Jul 12th, 2011

Birth of a Surgeon: Video: American Midwives ‘Catch Babies’ in Hospitals

WIDE ANGLE explores the often misunderstood role of midwives in the U.S. We learn about who they are, what they do and where they practice.

Jul 15th, 2008

Birth of a Surgeon: Audio: Public Health Experts on Maternal Death

WIDE ANGLE sat down with public health experts to discuss the causes of maternal death and the progress of mid-level, surgical clinicians who dot across Mozambique and the rest of the world.

Jul 15th, 2008

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