All Posts Tagged With: "midwives"

Poll: Do you think trained health workers in the developing world who have not completed medical school should be allowed to perform surgery?

Do you think trained health workers in the developing world who have not completed medical school should be allowed to perform surgery? Vote and view results now.

Jul 15th, 2008

Birth of a Surgeon: Video: American Midwives ‘Catch Babies’ in Hospitals

WIDE ANGLE explores the often misunderstood role of midwives in the U.S. We learn about who they are, what they do and where they practice.

Jul 15th, 2008

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Birth of a Surgeon: Video: Full Episode

Birth of a Surgeon captures one woman’s story on the frontlines of improving maternal mortality in Africa.

Jul 15th, 2008

Birth of a Surgeon: Video: Filmmaker Notes

Filmmakers Karin Falck and Loui Bernal talk about the making of "Birth of a Surgeon."

Jul 15th, 2008

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