All Posts Tagged With: "Morocco"

Shutdown of Moroccan Sheikh Sanctioning Marriage at Age Nine

Last month a religious leader in Morocco, Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Rahman al-Maghraoui, received a question on his website about whether a woman can get married before reaching puberty. He responded by issuing a fatwa, or religious ruling, saying it was lawful for a Muslim man to marry girls as young as nine years old.

Oct 8th, 2008

Border Jumpers: The World’s Most Complex Borders: Morocco/Western Sahara

Jul 26th, 2005

Sahara Marathon: Personal Narrative: Running Your First Sahara Marathon

In February of 2002 I completed my first Sahara Marathon. While the event is fresh in my mind, I want to write down my thoughts and suggestions for those considering this event in the future.

Aug 19th, 2004

Sahara Marathon: Photo Essay: Who are the Sahrawi?

See what life is like for the Sahrawi in this photo essay.

Aug 19th, 2004

Sahara Marathon: Timeline: Sahrawi people

History of Western Sahara from the 1400s to 2004.

Aug 19th, 2004

Sahara Marathon: Essay: Sahara Refugees Form a Progressive Society

The Sahrawi women are among the most liberated of the Muslim world, and their status is characteristic of the well- organized, egalitarian society that has developed in the refugee camps over the past three decades.

Aug 19th, 2004

Sahara Marathon: Introduction

WIDE ANGLE presents the story of a unique marathon that is staged annually in the hope of drawing attention to the plight of the Sahrawi people.

Aug 19th, 2004

Sahara Marathon: Countries That Recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

List of countries that recognize Western Sahara's independence.

Aug 19th, 2004

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